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Name Resource Description
Get Amazon regions GET api/2.0/settings/storage/s3/regions Returns a list of all Amazon regions.
Get storages GET api/2.0/settings/storage Returns a list of all the portal storages.
Get the backup storages GET api/2.0/settings/storage/backup Returns a list of all the backup storages.
Get the CDN storages GET api/2.0/settings/storage/cdn Returns a list of all the CDN storages.
Get the storage progress GET api/2.0/settings/storage/progress Returns the storage progress.
Reset the CDN storage settings DELETE api/2.0/settings/storage/cdn Resets the CDN storage settings to the default parameters.
Reset the storage settings DELETE api/2.0/settings/storage Resets the storage settings to the default parameters.
Update a storage PUT api/2.0/settings/storage Updates a storage with the parameters specified in the request.
Update the CDN storage PUT api/2.0/settings/storage/cdn Updates the CDN storage with the parameters specified in the request.