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Connects the TesseractJS-Core library for extracting text from an image (.png .jpg) and inserting it into the document. OCR supports more than 60 languages.

Plugin type: visual, non-system.

Supported editors: documents, spreadsheets, presentations.


Available by default in the cloud, on-premises and desktop versions of ONLYOFFICE editors.

You can remove it following the desktop, on-premises, or cloud installation instructions.

The plugin guid: {440EBF13-9B19-4BD8-8621-05200E58140B}.

  1. Find the plugin on the Plugins tab.
  2. Click the Load File button and select an image.
  3. Choose the recognition language from the Choose Language pull-down menu.
  4. Click the Recognize button. The text will appear to the right of the picture.
  5. Click the Insert text button and the text will be inserted into the document at the text cursor position.
Plugin structure

Repository on GitHub:

  1. config.json, index.html, and ocr.js
  2. Icons
  3. The translations folder contains translations into Russian, German, Spanish, Czech, and French.
  4. index_about.html for the plugin About window
  5. Third-party services:
    • jQuery - a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. License: MIT License.
    • Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options. License: MIT.
    • TesseractJS-Core is a pure Javascript port of the popularTesseract OCR engine. This library supportsmore than 100 languages, automatic textorientation and script detection, a simple interface for reading paragraph, word, and characterbounding boxes. License: Apache License, version 2.0.
    "name": "OCR",
    "nameLocale": {
        "fr": "Reconnaissance optique de caractères",
        "es": "Reconocimiento óptico de caracteres",
        "de": "OCR",
        "pt-BR": "OCR"
    "guid": "asc.{440EBF13-9B19-4BD8-8621-05200E58140B}",
    "version": "2.0.0",

    "variations": [
            "description": "Recognize text from pictures and screenshots and insert it into your documents.",
            "descriptionLocale": {
                "fr": "Reconnaissez le texte des images et des captures d'écran et insérez-le dans vos documents.",
                "es": "Reconozca el texto de imágenes y capturas de pantalla e insértelo en sus documentos.",
                "de": "Erkennen Sie Text auf Bildern und Screenshots und fügen Sie ihn in Ihre Dokumente ein.",
                "pt-BR": "Reconheça texto de imagens e capturas de tela e insira-o em seus documentos."
            "url": "index.html",

            "icons": [ "resources/light/icon.png", "resources/light/icon@2x.png" ],
            "icons2": [
                    "style" : "light",
                    "100%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon.png"
                    "125%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.25x.png"
                    "150%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.5x.png"
                    "175%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.75x.png"
                    "200%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@2x.png"
                    "style" : "dark",
                    "100%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon.png"
                    "125%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.25x.png"
                    "150%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.5x.png"
                    "175%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.75x.png"
                    "200%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@2x.png"

            "isViewer": false,
            "EditorsSupport": [ "word" ],
            "isVisual": true,
            "isModal": true,
            "isInsideMode": false,
            "initDataType": "none",

            "buttons": [
                    "text": "Insert Text",
                    "primary": true,
                    "textLocale": {
                        "fr": "Insérer le texte",
                        "es": "Insertar texto",
                        "de": "Text einfügen"
                    "text": "Cancel",
                    "primary": false,
                    "textLocale": {
                        "fr": "Annuler",
                        "es": "Cancelar",
                        "de": "Abbrechen"

            "size": [ 592, 100 ],
            "store": {
                "background": {
                    "light" : "#444444",
                    "dark" : "#444444"
                "screenshots" : [
                "icons"       : {
                    "light" : "resources/store/icons",
                    "dark"  : "resources/store/icons"
                "categories": ["specAbilities", "work"]
            "description": "About",
            "descriptionLocale": {
                "fr": "À propos",
                "es": "Sobre programa",
                "de": "Über"

            "url": "index_about.html",
            "icons": [ "resources/img/icon.png", "resources/img/icon@2x.png", "resources/img/icon2.png", "resources/img/icon2@2x.png" ],
            "isViewer": false,
            "EditorsSupport": [ "word" ],
            "isVisual": true,
            "isModal": true,
            "isInsideMode": false,
            "initDataType": "none",

            "buttons": [
                    "text": "Ok",
                    "primary": true

            "size": [ 392, 147 ]
Methods and events

If you want to request a feature or report a bug regarding this plugin, use the issues section on GitHub.