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Opening documents

After registering in the cloud, you can start working on documents stored there.

Connecting ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors to your cloud allows you to edit text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations without having a constant Internet connection and easily switch to the online mode for real-time co-editing (in case ONLYOFFICE Docs is integrated with your cloud).

Besides, using ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors you are no longer limited by your browser resources. It means you can:

  • copy and paste from/into another document using the editor toolbar buttons and context menu options;
  • print the document directly from the app using the Print option;
  • use all the fonts available on the local computer;
  • work with documents without prior manual language setting (it is set automatically).

To open a document in a new window / tab correctly:

    "url" : "url to document",
    "type" : "type",
    "provider" : "provider"
Name Description Type Example
Defines the absolute URL to the opened document. string ""
Defines the type of the opened document if it is possible to define: word, cell or slide. string "word"
Defines the provider id used to refer to the desktop app in the JavaScript commands (the same as in the config). string "onlyoffice"
const params = {
    "url" : "",
    "type" : "word",
    "provider" : "onlyoffice"
window.AscDesktopEditor.execCommand("open:document", JSON.stringify(params))