Add a link between tasks
POST api/2.0/project/task/{parentTaskId}/link
Adds a link between the dependent and parent tasks specified in the request.
Add a task
POST api/2.0/project/{projectid}/task
Adds a task to the selected project with the parameters (responsible user ID, task description, deadline time, etc) specified in the request.
Add a task by message ID
POST api/2.0/project/{projectid}/task/{messageid}
Adds a task to the selected project by the message ID specified in the request.
Add a task comment
POST api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/comment
Adds a comment to the selected task with the comment text and parent comment ID specified in the request.
Check the task subscription
GET api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/subscribe
Checks the subscription to the notifications about the actions performed with the selected task.
Copy a subtask
POST api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/{subtaskid}/copy
Copies a subtask with the ID specified in the request.
Copy a task
POST api/2.0/project/task/{copyFrom}/copy
Copies a task with the parameters specified in the request.
Create a subtask
POST api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}
Creates a subtask with the title and responsible within the parent task specified in the request.
Create a task status
POST api/2.0/project/status
Creates a task status specified in the request.
Delete a subtask
DELETE api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/{subtaskid}
Deletes the selected subtask from the parent task with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a task
DELETE api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}
Deletes a task with the ID specified in the request from the project.
Delete a task status
DELETE api/2.0/project/status/{id}
Deletes a task status with the ID specified in the request.
Delete tasks
DELETE api/2.0/project/task
Deletes the tasks with the IDs specified in the request from the project.
Get a task
GET api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}
Returns the detailed information about a task with the ID specified in the request.
Get filtered tasks
GET api/2.0/project/task/filter
Returns a list with the detailed information about all the tasks matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get my tasks
GET api/2.0/project/task/@self
Returns a list with the detailed information about all the tasks for the current user.
Get my tasks by status
GET api/2.0/project/{projectid}/task/@self/{status}
Returns a list of all the tasks for the current user with the selected status in the project with the ID specified in the request.
Get my tasks by status
GET api/2.0/project/task/@self/{status}
Returns a list with the detailed information about the tasks for the current user with a status specified in the request.
Get task comments
GET api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/comment
Returns a list of the comments for the task with the ID specified in the request.
Get task statuses
GET api/2.0/project/status
Returns all the task statuses.
Get tasks
GET api/2.0/project/{projectid}/task
Returns a list of all the tasks from a project with the ID specified in the request.
Get tasks by status
GET api/2.0/project/{projectid}/task/{status}
Returns a list of all the tasks with the selected status in the project with the ID specified in the request.
Move a subtask
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/{subtaskid}/move
Moves a subtask with the ID specified in the request to another task.
Notify the task responsible
GET api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/notify
Notifies the responsible for the task with the ID specified in the request about the task.
Remove a link between tasks
DELETE api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/link
Removes a link between the dependent and parent tasks specified in the request.
Subscribe to a task
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/subscribe
Subscribes to the notifications about the actions performed with the selected task.
Update a milestone of tasks
PUT api/2.0/project/task/milestone
Updates a milestone of the tasks with the IDs specified in the request.
Update a status of tasks
PUT api/2.0/project/task/status
Updates a status of the tasks with the IDs specified in the request.
Update a subtask
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/{subtaskid}
Updates the selected subtask with the title and responsible specified in the request.
Update a subtask status
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/{subtaskid}/status
Updates the selected subtask status of the parent task with the ID specified in the request.
Update a task
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}
Updates the selected task with the parameters (responsible user ID, task description, deadline time, etc) specified in the request.
Update a task milestone
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/milestone
Updates a milestone of a task with the ID specified in the request.
Update a task status
PUT api/2.0/project/status
Updates a task status with a value specified in the request.
Update a task status by task ID
PUT api/2.0/project/task/{taskid}/status
Updates a status of a task with the ID specified in the request.
Update task statuses
PUT api/2.0/project/statuses
Updates the task statuses with the values specified in the request.