Add a user
POST api/2.0/people
Adds a new portal user with the first name, last name, email address, and several optional parameters specified in the request.
Delete a user
DELETE api/2.0/people/{userid}
Deletes a user with the ID specified in the request from the portal.
Delete users
PUT api/2.0/people/delete
Deletes a list of the users with the IDs specified in the request.
Get a profile by user email
GET api/2.0/people/email
Returns the detailed information about a profile of the user with the email specified in the request.
Get a profile by user name
GET api/2.0/people/{username}
Returns the detailed information about a profile of the user with the name specified in the request.
Get my profile
GET api/2.0/people/@self
Returns the detailed information about the current user profile.
Get profiles
GET api/2.0/people
Returns a list of profiles for all the portal users.
Import users
POST api/2.0/people/import/save
Imports the new portal users with the first name, last name, and email address.
Resend an activation email
PUT api/2.0/people/invite
Resends emails to the users who have not activated their emails.
Send the deletion instructions
PUT api/2.0/people/self/delete
Sends instructions for deleting a user profile.
Update a user
PUT api/2.0/people/{userid}
Updates the data for the selected portal user with the first name, last name, email address, and/or optional parameters specified in the request.