Add a tag to cases
POST api/2.0/crm/case/filter/taglist
Adds the selected tag to the group of cases with the parameters specified in the request.
Add a tag to contacts
POST api/2.0/crm/contact/filter/taglist
Adds the selected tag to the group of contacts with the parameters specified in the request.
Add a tag to opportunities
POST api/2.0/crm/opportunity/filter/taglist
Adds the selected tag to the group of opportunities with the parameters specified in the request.
Add a tag to the entities
POST api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/taglist
Adds a tag to the entities with the IDs specified in the request.
Add a tag to the entity
POST api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/{entityid}/tag
Adds the selected tag to the entity with the type and ID specified in the request.
Add a tag to the entity and related contacts
POST api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/{entityid}/tag/group
Adds the selected tag to the entity (company or person) specified in the request and to all the related contacts.
Create a tag
POST api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/tag
Creates a tag for the selected entity with a tag name specified in the request.
Delete a tag from entities
DELETE api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/tag
Deletes the selected tag from the entities with the type specified in the request.
Delete a tag from the entity and related contacts
DELETE api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/{entityid}/tag/group
Deletes the selected tag from the entity (company or person) specified in the request and from all the related contacts.
Delete an entity tag
DELETE api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/{entityid}/tag
Deletes the selected tag from the entity with the type and ID specified in the request.
Delete unused tags
DELETE api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/tag/unused
Deletes all the unused tags from the entities with the type specified in the request.
Get contact tags
GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/tag
Returns a list of all the tags for the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Get entity tags
GET api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/tag/{entityid}
Returns a list of all the tags related to the entity with the ID and type specified in the request.
Get entity type tags
GET api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/tag
Returns a list of all the tags associated with the entity type specified in the request.