Add currency rates
POST api/2.0/crm/currency/addrates
Adds currency rates specified in the request.
Convert a currency
GET api/2.0/crm/settings/currency/convert
Returns a result of converting one currency into another.
Create a currency rate
POST api/2.0/crm/currency/rates
Creates a new currency rate with the parameters specified in the request.
Delete a currency rate
DELETE api/2.0/crm/currency/rates/{id}
Deletes a currency rate with the ID specified in the request.
Get a currency rate by currencies
GET api/2.0/crm/currency/rates/{fromCurrency}/{toCurrency}
Returns a currency rate by currencies.
Get a currency rate by ID
GET api/2.0/crm/currency/rates/{id}
Returns a currency rate by ID.
Get available currencies
GET api/2.0/crm/settings/currency
Returns a list of all the currencies currently available on the portal.
Get currency rates
GET api/2.0/crm/currency/rates
Returns a list of all the currency rates.
Get currency summary table
GET api/2.0/crm/settings/currency/summarytable
Returns a summary table with the rates for the currency specified in the request.
Set currency rates
POST api/2.0/crm/currency/setrates
Sets currency rates to the currency specified in the request.
Update a currency
PUT api/2.0/crm/settings/currency
Updates the default CRM currency with the currency specified in the request.
Update a currency rate
PUT api/2.0/crm/currency/rates/{id}
Updates a currency rate with the parameters specified in the request.