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Name Resource Description
Add a blog comment POST api/2.0/community/blog/comment Adds a blog comment with the comment text specified in the request. The parent comment ID can be also specified if needed.
Add a post comment POST api/2.0/community/blog/{postid}/comment Adds a comment to the post with the ID specified in the request. The parent comment ID can be also specified if needed.
Create a post POST api/2.0/community/blog Creates a blog post with the specified title, content, tags and subscription to comments defined in the request body.
Delete a post DELETE api/2.0/community/blog/{postid} Deletes a post with the ID specified in the request from blogs.
Get a comment preview POST api/2.0/community/blog/comment/preview Returns a comment preview with the content specified in the request.
Get a post GET api/2.0/community/blog/{postid} Returns the detailed information on the blog post with the ID specified in the request.
Get my posts GET api/2.0/community/blog/@self Returns a list of all the blog posts for the current user with the post titles, dates of creation and update, post texts, and author.
Get post comments GET api/2.0/community/blog/{postid}/comment Returns a list of all the comments on the blog post with the ID specified in the request.
Get posts GET api/2.0/community/blog Returns a list of all the posts from the portal blogs with the post titles, dates of creation and update, post texts, and authors.
Get posts by tag GET api/2.0/community/blog/tag/{tag} Returns a list of blog posts containing the tag specified in the request with the post titles, dates of creation and update, post texts, and authors.
Get tags GET api/2.0/community/blog/tag Returns a list of all the tags used in the blog posts with a number specifying the tag usage.
Get user posts GET api/2.0/community/blog/user/{username} Returns a list of blog posts for the specified user with the post titles, dates of creation and update and post texts.
Remove a comment DELETE api/2.0/community/blog/comment/{commentid} Removes a comment with the ID specified in the request.
Search posts GET api/2.0/community/blog/@search/{query} Returns a list of blog posts matching the search query specified in the request with the post titles, dates of creation and update, post texts, and authors.
Update a blog comment PUT api/2.0/community/blog/comment/{commentid} Updates a blog comment specified in the request changing its content.
Update a post PUT api/2.0/community/blog/{postid} Updates the selected post changing the post title, content or/and tags specified in the request.