Creates a new custom field with the parameters (entity type, field title, type, etc.) specified in the request.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
sent in url
Entity type
Allowed values: contact, person, company, opportunity, case
string | some text |
sent in body
Field title | string | some text |
sent in body
Custom field type
Allowed values: 0 (TextField), 1 (TextArea), 2 (SelectBox), 3 (CheckBox), 4 (Heading), or 5 (Date)
number | 1234 |
sent in body
Field position
number | 1234 |
sent in body
Sent in JSON format only
string | some text |
Data transfer in application/json format: 1) Creation of the TextField custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample TextField", fieldType: 0, position: 0, mask: {"size":"40"} // This is the TextField size. All other values are ignored. } 2) Creation of the TextArea custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample TextArea", fieldType: 1, position: 1, mask: '{"rows":"2","cols":"30"}' // This is the TextArea size. All other values are ignored. } 3) Creation of the SelectBox custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample SelectBox", fieldType: 2, position: 0, mask: ["1","2","3"] // These are the SelectBox values. } 4) Creation of the CheckBox custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample CheckBox", fieldType: 3, position: 0, mask: "" } 5) Creation of the Heading custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample Heading", fieldType: 4, position: 0, mask: "" } 6) Creation of the Date custom field: data: { entityType: "contact", label: "Sample Date", fieldType: 5, position: 0, mask: "" }
Custom field
{ "status": 0, "response": { "RelativeItemsCount": 0, "id": 1234, "EntityId": 14523423, "Label": "Birthdate", "FieldValue": "2020-12-08T17:37:04.5916406Z", "FieldType": 5, "Position": 10, "Mask": "" } }
<result> <status>0</status> <response> <RelativeItemsCount>0</RelativeItemsCount> <id>1234</id> <EntityId>14523423</EntityId> <Label>Birthdate</Label> <FieldValue>2020-12-08T17:37:04.5916406Z</FieldValue> <FieldType>5</FieldType> <Position>10</Position> <Mask /> </response> </result>