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Simple types


The addin field data.

  • Object
Name Type Description
FieldId string

Field identifier.

Value string

Field value.

Content string

Field text content.


Copy code
var oAddinFieldData = {"FieldId": "1", "Value": "Addin №1", "Content": "This is the first addin field"};
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("AddAddinField", [oAddinFieldData]);

The skinnable plugin button used in the plugin interface (used for visual plugins with their own window only, i.e. isVisual == true and isInsideMode == false).

  • Object
Name Type Description
text string

The label which is displayed on the button.

primary boolean

Defines if the button is primary or not. The primary flag affects the button skin only.

isViewer boolean

Defines if the button is shown in the viewer mode only or not.

textLocale localeTranslate

Translations for the text field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (ru, de, it, etc.) and the values are the button label translation for each language.


Copy code
var config = {
    "variations": [
            "buttons": [
                    "text": "Cancel",
                    "primary": false,
                    "isviewer": false,
                    "textLocale": {
                        "fr": "Annuler",
                        "es": "Cancelar"

Comment object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Id string

The comment ID.

Data CommentData

An object which contains the comment data.


Copy code
var comment = {
    "Id": "1_631",
    "Data": {
        "UserName": "John Smith",
        "Text": "comment",
        "Time": "1662737941471",
        "Solved": true,
        "Replies": [
                "UserName": "Mark Potato",
                "Text": "reply 1",
                "Time": "1662740895892",
                "Solved": false

The comment data.

  • Object
Name Type Description
UserName string

The comment author.

QuoteText string

The quote comment text.

Text string

The comment text.

Time string

The time when the comment was posted (in milliseconds).

Solved boolean

Specifies if the comment is resolved (true) or not (false).

Replies Array.

An array containing the comment replies represented as the CommentData object.


Copy code
var oCommentData = {
    "UserName": "John Smith",
    "Text": "comment",
    "Time": "1662737941471",
    "Solved": true,
    "Replies": [
            "UserName": "Mark Potato",
            "Text": "reply 1",
            "Time": "1662740895892",
            "Solved": false
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddComment", [oCommentData]);

Content control object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Tag string

A tag assigned to the content control. The same tag can be assigned to several content controls so that it is possible to make reference to them in your code.

Id string

A unique identifier of the content control. It can be used to search for a certain content control and make reference to it in the code.

Lock ContentControlLock

A value that defines if it is possible to delete and/or edit the content control or not: 0 - only deleting, 1 - no deleting or editing, 2 - only editing, 3 - full access.

InternalId string

A unique internal identifier of the content control. It is used for all operations with content controls.


Copy code
var oContentControl = {
    "Tag": "Document",
    "Id": 0,
    "Lock": 0,
    "InternalId": "1_713"

The content control checkbox properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Checked boolean

Defines if the content control checkbox is checked or not.

CheckedSymbol number

A symbol in the HTML code format that is used when the checkbox is checked.

UncheckedSymbol number

A symbol in the HTML code format that is used when the checkbox is not checked.


Copy code
var oControlCkeckBoxPr = {
    "Checked" : false,
    "CheckedSymbol" : 9756,
    "UncheckedSymbol" : 9744
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddContentControlCheckBox", [oControlCkeckBoxPr, {"Id" : 7, "Tag" : "{tag}", "Lock" : 0}]);

The content control datepicker properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
DateFormat string

A format in which the date will be displayed. For example: "MM/DD/YYYY", "dddd,\ mmmm\ dd,\ yyyy", "DD\ MMMM\ YYYY", "MMMM\ DD,\ YYYY", "DD-MMM-YY", "MMMM\ YY", "MMM-YY", "MM/DD/YYYY\ hh:mm\ AM/PM", "MM/DD/YYYY\ hh:mm:ss\ AM/PM", "hh:mm", "hh:mm:ss", "hh:mm\ AM/PM", "hh:mm:ss:\ AM/PM".

Date object

The current date and time.


Copy code
var Date = new window.Date();
var oControlDatePickerPr = {
    "DateFormat" : "DD\ MMMM\ YYYY",
    "Date" : Date
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddContentControlDatePicker", [oControlDatePickerPr, {"Id" : 7, "Tag" : "{tag}", "Lock" : 0}]);

A value that defines if it is possible to delete and/or edit the content control or not:

  • 0 - only deleting
  • 1 - disable deleting or editing
  • 2 - only editing
  • 3 - full access

  • 0 | 1 | 2 | 3


Copy code
var arrDocuments = [{
    "Props": {
        "Id": 100,
        "Tag": "CC_Tag",
        "Lock": 3
    "Script": "var oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph();oParagraph.AddText('Hello world!');Api.GetDocument().InsertContent([oParagraph]);"
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InsertAndReplaceContentControls", [arrDocuments]);

The content control parent properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Parent object

The content control parent. For example, oParagraph.

Pos number

The content control position within the parent object.

Count number

A number of elements in the parent object.


Copy code
var oContentControlParentPr = {
    "Parent" : oParagraph,
    "Pos" : 0,
    "Count" : 1

The content control properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Id string

A unique identifier of the content control. It can be used to search for a certain content control and make reference to it in the code.

Tag string

A tag assigned to the content control. The same tag can be assigned to several content controls so that it is possible to make reference to them in the code.

Lock ContentControlLock

A value that defines if it is possible to delete and/or edit the content control or not.

InternalId string

A unique internal identifier of the content control.

Alias string

The alias attribute.

PlaceHolderText string

The content control placeholder text.

Appearance number

Defines if the content control is shown as the bounding box (1) or not (2).

Color object

The color for the current content control in the RGB format.

Color.R number

Red color component value.

Color.G number

Green color component value.

Color.B number

Blue color component value.


Copy code
var oContentControlPr = {
    "Id" : 7,
    "Tag" : "{tag}",
    "Lock" : 0
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddContentControl", [1, oContentControlPr]);

The content control properties and contents.

  • Object
Name Type Description
ContentControlProperties ContentControlProperties

The content control properties.

Script string

A script that will be executed to generate the data within the content control (can be replaced with the Url parameter).

Url string

A link to the shared file (can be replaced with the Script parameter).


Copy code
var oControlPrContent = {
    "Props": {
        "Id": 100,
        "Tag": "CC_Tag",
        "Lock": 3
    "Script": "var oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph();oParagraph.AddText('Hello world!');Api.GetDocument().InsertContent([oParagraph]);"
var arrDocuments = [oControlPrContent];
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InsertAndReplaceContentControls", [arrDocuments]);

A numeric value that specifies the content control type:

  • 1 - block content control
  • 2 - inline content control
  • 3 - row content control
  • 4 - cell content control

  • 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Copy code
var nContentControlType = 1;
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddContentControl", [nContentControlType, {"Id" : 7, "Tag" : "{tag}", "Lock" : 0}]);

The context menu item.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

The item ID.

text string

The item text.

data string

The item data (this data will be sent to the click event callback).

disabled boolean

Specifies if the current item is disabled or not.

icons string

The item icons (see the plugins config documentation).

items Array.

An array containing the context menu items for the current item.


Copy code
var aContextMenuItems = function getContextMenuItems() {
	let settings = {
		guid: window.Asc.plugin.guid,
		items: [
				id : 'onConvert',
				text : getMessage('Convert to Markdown or HTML')
	return settings;

window.Asc.plugin.attachEvent('onContextMenuShow', function(options) {
	if (!options) return;

	if (options.type === 'Selection' || options.type === 'Target')
		this.executeMethod('AddContextMenuItem', [aContextMenuItems]);

Defines the context menu options.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Type ContextMenuType

The context menu type.

header boolean

Specifies if the context menu is opened inside the header.

footer boolean

Specifies if the context menu is opened inside the footer.

headerArea boolean

Specifies if the context menu is opened over the header.

footerArea boolean

Specifies if the context menu is opened over the footer.


The context menu type:

  • None - not used,
  • Target - nothing is selected,
  • Selection - text is selected,
  • Image - image is selected,
  • Shape - shape is selected,
  • OleObject - OLE object is selected.

  • "None" | "Target" | "Selection" | "Image" | "Shape" | "OleObject"

The document editing restrictions:

  • none - no editing restrictions,
  • comments - allows editing comments,
  • forms - allows editing form fields,
  • readOnly - does not allow editing.

  • 'none' | 'comments' | 'forms' | 'readOnly'


Copy code
var sDocumentEditingRestrictions = "readOnly";
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("SetEditingRestrictions", [sDocumentEditingRestrictions]);

The editors which the plugin is available for:

  • word - text document editor,
  • cell - spreadsheet editor,
  • slide - presentation editor,
  • pdf - pdf editor.

  • "word" | "cell" | "slide" | "pdf"


Copy code
var config = {
    "variations": [
            "EditorsSupport": ["word", "cell", "slide"],

Plugin event ("onDocumentContentReady", "onTargetPositionChanged", onClick", "onInputHelperClear", "onInputHelperInput", etc.).

  • string


Copy code
var config = {
    "variations": [
            "events": ["onClick"],

An object containing the form properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
tags object

The form tags which specify the content for each form type with such a tag.

tags.text string

The text field value (some text).

tags.checkBox string

The checkbox form value (true - checked, false - unchecked).

tags.picture string

The image form value (a link to the image).

tags.comboBox string

The combo box form value (one of the items from the combo box list values).


Copy code
var initSettings = {
    "copyoutenabled" : false,
    "hideContentControlTrack" : false,
    "watermark_on_draw" : JSON.stringify({
        "transparent" : 0.3,
        "type" : "rect",
        "width" : 100,
        "height" : 100,
        "rotate" : -45,
        "margins" : [ 10, 10, 10, 10 ],
        "fill" : [255, 0, 0],
        "stroke-width" : 1,
        "stroke" : [0, 0, 255],
        "align" : 1,

        "paragraphs" : [ {
            "align" : 2,
            "fill" : [255, 0, 0],
            "linespacing" : 1,

            "runs" : [
                            "text" : "Do not steal, %user_name%!",
                            "fill" : [0, 0, 0],
                            "font-family" : "Arial",
                            "font-size" : 40,
                            "bold" : true,
                            "italic" : false,
                            "strikeout" : false,
                            "underline" : false
                            "text" : "<%br%>"
    "disableAutostartMacros" : true,
    "fillForms" : JSON.stringify({
        "tags" : {
            "111" : {
                "text" : "Text in form with tag 111",
                "checkBox" : "true",
                "picture" : "",
                "comboBox" : "item1"
            "222" : {
                "text" : "Text in form with tag 222",
                "checkBox" : "false",
                "comboBox" : "item2"
            "333" : {
                "text" : "OnlyOffice"
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("SetProperties", [initSettings]);

An object containing the font information.

  • Object
Name Type Description
m_wsFontName string

The font name.

m_wsFontPath string

The path to the file with the current font.

m_lIndex number

The font number in the file if there is more than one font in the file.

m_bBold boolean

Specifies if the font characters are bold or not.

m_bItalic boolean

Specifies if the font characters are italic or not.

m_bIsFixed boolean

Specifies if the current font is monospaced or not.

m_aPanose Array.

The PANOSE Typeface Classification Number, a compact 10-byte description of the font critical visual characteristics, such as contrast, weight, and serif style.

m_ulUnicodeRange1 number

The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 0-31).

m_ulUnicodeRange2 number

The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 32-63).

m_ulUnicodeRange3 number

The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 64-95).

m_ulUnicodeRange4 number

The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 96-127).

m_ulCodePageRange1 number

The code pages encompassed by the font file (Bits 0-31).

m_ulCodePageRange2 number

The code pages encompassed by the font file (Bits 32-63).

m_usWeigth number

The visual weight (stroke blackness or thickness) of the font characters (1-1000).

m_usWidth number

The relative change from the normal aspect ratio (width to height ratio).

m_sFamilyClass number

The font family class which values are assigned by IBM to each font family.

m_eFontFormat number

The specific file type(s) used to store font data: 0 - *.fon, 1 - *.ttf, 2 - *.ttf, *.otf (CFF), 3 - unknown font format.

m_shAvgCharWidth number

The arithmetic average of the escapement (width) of all non-zero width glyphs in the font.

m_shAscent number

The height above the baseline for a clipping region.

m_shDescent number

The vertical extent below the baseline for a clipping region.

m_shLineGap number

The typographic line gap for the current font.

m_shXHeight number

The distance between the baseline and the approximate height of non-ascending lowercase letters measured in FUnits.

m_shCapHeight number

The distance between the baseline and the approximate height of uppercase letters measured in FUnits.


Copy code
var oFontInfo = {
    "m_wsFontName": "Open Sans",
    "m_wsFontPath": "OpenSans-Bold.ttf",
    "m_lIndex": 0,
    "m_bBold": true,
    "m_bItalic": false,
    "m_bIsFixed": false,
    "m_aPanose": [2, 11, 8, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 2, 4],
    "m_ulUnicodeRange1": 3758097135,
    "m_ulUnicodeRange2": 1073750107,
    "m_ulUnicodeRange3": 40,
    "m_ulUnicodeRange4": 0,
    "m_ulCodePageRange1": 536871327,
    "m_ulCodePageRange2": 0,
    "m_usWeigth": 700,
    "m_usWidth": 5,
    "m_sFamilyClass": 2050,
    "m_eFontFormat": 1,
    "m_shAvgCharWidth": 632,
    "m_shAscent": 765,
    "m_shDescent": -240,
    "m_shLineGap": 64,
    "m_shXHeight": 545,
    "m_shCapHeight": 713

An object containing the information about the base64 encoded png image.

  • Object
Name Type Description
src string

The image source in the base64 format.

width number

The image width in pixels.

height number

The image height in pixels.

replaceMode ReplaceImageMode

Specifies how to adjust the image object in case of replacing the selected image.


Copy code
window.saveImage = function () {
    let sImageSrc = imageEditor.toDataURL();
    let editorDimension = imageEditor.getCanvasSize();
    let nWidth = editorDimension.width;
    let nHeight = editorDimension.height;
    let oImageData = {
        "src": sImageSrc,
        "width": nWidth,
        "height": nHeight,
        "replaceMode": "original"
    window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("PutImageDataToSelection", [oImageData]);
    window.Asc.plugin.callCommand("close", "");

The data type selected in the editor and sent to the plugin:

  • text - the text data,
  • html - HTML formatted code,
  • ole - OLE object data,
  • desktop - the desktop editor data,
  • destop-external - the main page data of the desktop app (system messages),
  • none - no data will be send to the plugin from the editor,
  • sign - the sign for the keychain plugin.

  • "text" | "html" | "ole" | "desktop" | "destop-external" | "none" | "sign"


Copy code
var config = {
    "variations": [
            "initDataType": "ole",

Defines the input helper item.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

The item index.

text string

The item text.


Copy code
var items = [
    { text: "Name1.Family1", id : "0" },
    { text: "Name2.Family2", id : "1" },
    { text: "Name3.Family3", id : "2" },
    { text: "Name4.Family4", id : "3" },
    { text: "Name5.Family5", id : "4" },
    { text: "Name6.Family6", id : "5" },
    { text: "Name7.Family7", id : "6" },
    { text: "Name8.Family8", id : "7" },
    { text: "Name9.Family9", id : "8" },
    { text: "Name10.Family10", id : "9" },
    { text: "Name11.Family11", id : "10" },
    { text: "Name12.Family12", id : "11" },
    { text: "Name13.Family13", id : "12" }
var _sizes = getInputHelperSize();
window.Asc.plugin.getInputHelper().show(_sizes.w, _sizes.h, true);

Translations for the text field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (ru, de, it, etc.) and the values are the button label translation for each language. Example: { "en" : "name", "ru" : "имя" }

  • Object.<string, string>


Copy code
var config = {
    "variations": [
            "name": "plugin name",
            "nameLocale": {
                "fr": "french plugin name",
                "es": "spanish plugin name"

An object containing the data about all the macros from the document.

  • Object
Name Type Description
macrosArray Array.

An array of macros codes ([{"name": "Macros1", "value": "{macrosCode}"}]).

current number

A current macro index.


Copy code
var oMacros = {
    "macrosArray": [
            "name": "Macros 1",
            "value": "(function()\n{oDocument = Api.GetDocument();\noParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph();\noParagraph.AddText(\"This is a new paragraph\");\noDocument.Push(oParagraph);\n})();"
            "name": "Macros 2",
            "value": "(function()\n{oDocument = Api.GetDocument();\noParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0);\noParagraph.AddText(\"ONLYOFFICE Document Builder\");\noRange = oDocument.GetRange(0, 24);\noRange.SetBold(true);\n})();"
    "current": 1
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("SetMacros", [oMacros]);

The OLE object data.

  • Object
Name Type Description
Data string

OLE object data (internal format).

ImageData string

An image in the base64 format stored in the OLE object and used by the plugin.

ApplicationId string

An identifier of the plugin which can edit the current OLE object and must be of the asc.{UUID} type.

InternalId string

The OLE object identifier which is used to work with OLE object added to the document.

ParaDrawingId string

An identifier of the drawing object containing the current OLE object.

Width number

The OLE object width measured in millimeters.

Height number

The OLE object height measured in millimeters.

WidthPix number

The OLE object image width in pixels.

HeightPix number

The OLE object image height in pixels.


Copy code
var oOLEObjectData = {
    "Data": "{data}",
    "ImageData": "-in-the-base64-format",
    "ApplicationId": "asc.{38E022EA-AD92-45FC-B22B-49DF39746DB4}",
    "Width": 70,
    "Height": 70,
    "WidthPix": 60 * 36000,
    "HeightPix": 60 * 36000
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InsertOleObject", [oOLEObjectData, true]);

The OLE object properties

  • Object
Name Type Description
data string

OLE object data (internal format).

imgSrc string

A link to the image (its visual representation) stored in the OLE object and used by the plugin.

guid string

An identifier of the plugin which can edit the current OLE object and must be of the asc.{UUID} type.

width number

The OLE object width measured in millimeters.

height number

The OLE object height measured in millimeters.

widthPix number

The OLE object image width in pixels.

heightPix number

The OLE object image height in pixels.


Copy code
var oOLEProperties = {
    "data": "{data}",
    "imgSrc": "https://link-to-the-image.jpg",
    "guid": "asc.{38E022EA-AD92-45FC-B22B-49DF39746DB4}",
    "width": 70,
    "height": 70,
    "widthPix": 60 * 36000,
    "heightPix": 60 * 36000

The plugin object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
url string

The URL to plugin config.

guid string

The plugin identifier. It must be of the asc.{UUID} type.

canRemoved boolean

Specifies if the plugin can be removed (true) or not (false).

obj object

The config of the installed plugin. The version is taken from the config and compared with the current one to check for updates.


Copy code
var oPlugin = {
    "url": "",
    "guid": "asc.{38E022EA-AD92-45FC-B22B-49DF39746DB4}",
    "canRemoved": true,
    "obj": {
        "baseUrl": "",
        "guid": "asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}",
        "version": "1.0",
        "minVersion": "6.3.0",

Specifies how to adjust the image object in case of replacing the selected image.

  • "fill" | "fit" | "original" | "stretch"


Copy code
window.saveImage = function () {
    let sImageSrc = imageEditor.toDataURL();
    let editorDimension = imageEditor.getCanvasSize();
    let nWidth = editorDimension.width;
    let nHeight = editorDimension.height;
    let oImageData = {
        "src": sImageSrc,
        "width": nWidth,
        "height": nHeight,
        "replaceMode": "original"
    window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("PutImageDataToSelection", [oImageData]);
    window.Asc.plugin.executeCommand("close", "");

The current selection type ("none", "text", "drawing", or "slide").

  • "none" | "text" | "drawing" | "slide"


Copy code
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("GetSelectionType", [], function(sType) {
    switch (sType) {
        case "none":
        case "drawing":
            window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("PasteText", [$("#txt_shower")[0].innerText]);
        case "text":
            window.Asc.plugin.callCommand (function() {
                Api.ReplaceTextSmart (Asc.scope.arr);

Specifies if the whole text or only its part will be returned or replaced:

  • entirely - replaces/returns the whole text,
  • beforeCursor - replaces/returns only the part of the text before the cursor,
  • afterCursor - replaces/returns only the part of the text after the cursor.

  • "entirely" | "beforeCursor" | "afterCursor"


Copy code
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("GetCurrentWord", ["entirely"], function (res) {
    console.log (res)

The toolbar menu item.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

The item ID.

type ToolbarMenuItemType

The item type.

text string

The item text.

hint string

The item hint.

icons string

The item icons (see the plugins config documentation).

disabled boolean

Specifies if the current item is disabled or not.

enableToggle boolean

Specifies if an item toggle is enabled or not.

lockInViewMode boolean

Specifies if the current item is locked in the view mode or not.

separator boolean

Specifies if a separator is used between the toolbar menu items or not.

split boolean

Specifies if the toolbar menu items are split or not.

items Array.

An array containing the context menu items for the current item.


Copy code
var oToolbarMenuItem = {
    "id": "MeaningItem",
    "type": "button",
    "text": "Meaning",
    "hint": "Meaning",
    "icons": "resources/light/icon.png",
    "disabled": false,
    "enableToggle": false,
    "lockInViewMode": false,
    "separator": true,
    "split": true,
    "items": [
            "id": "onMeaningT",
            "text": "Explain text in comment"
            "id": "onFixSpelling",
            "text": "Fix spelling & grammar"
            "id": "onMakeLonger",
            "text": "Make longer"
            "id": "onMakeShorter",
            "text": "Make shorter"

The possible values of the base which the relative vertical position of the toolbar menu item will be calculated from.

  • "button" | "..."


Copy code
var sToolbarMenuItemType = "button";
var oToolbarMenuItem = {
    "id": "MeaningItem",
    "type": sToolbarMenuItemType,
    "text": "Meaning",
    "hint": "Meaning",
    "icons": "resources/light/icon.png",
    "disabled": false,
    "enableToggle": false,
    "lockInViewMode": false,
    "separator": true,
    "split": true,
    "items": [
            "id": "onMeaningT",
            "text": "Explain text in comment"
            "id": "onFixSpelling",
            "text": "Fix spelling & grammar"
            "id": "onMakeLonger",
            "text": "Make longer"
            "id": "onMakeShorter",
            "text": "Make shorter"

The main toolbar menu item.

  • Object
Name Type Description
guid string

The plugin guid.

tabs Array.

An array containing the toolbar menu tabs for the current item.


Copy code
var oToolbarMenuMainItem = {
    "guid": "asc.{9DC93CDB-B576-4F0C-B55E-FCC9C48DD007}",
    "tabs": [oToolbarMenuTab]

The toolbar menu tab.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

The tab ID.

text string

The tab text.

items Array.

An array containing the toolbar menu items for the current tab.


Copy code
var oToolbarMenuTab = {
    "id": "ChatGPT",
    "text": "AI Assistant",
    "items": [oToolbarMenuItem]

An object containing the watermark properties.

  • Object
Name Type Description
transparent float

The watermark transparency degree.

type string

The shape type which specifies the preset shape geometry for the current watermark.

width number

The watermark width measured in millimeters.

height number

The watermark height measured in millimeters.

rotate number

The watermark rotation angle measured in degrees.

margins Array.

The text margins measured in millimeters in the watermark shape.

fill Array. | string

The watermark fill color in the RGB format, or the URL to image (base64 support: data:image/png;...). The empty array [] means that the watermark has no fill.

stroke-width number

The watermark stroke width measured in millimeters.

stroke Array.

The watermark stroke color in the RGB format. The empty array [] means that the watermark stroke has no fill.

align number

The vertical text align in the watermark shape: 0 - bottom, 1 - center, 4 - top.

paragraphs Array.

The array with paragraphs from the current watermark with their properties.

paragraphs.align number

The horizontal text align in the current paragraph: 0 - right, 1 - left, 2 - center, 3 - justify.

paragraphs.fill Array.

The paragraph highlight in the RGB format. The empty array [] means that the paragraph is not highlighted.

paragraphs.linespacing number

The text linespacing in the current paragraph.

paragraphs.runs Array.

The array with runs from the current paragraph with their properties.

paragraphs.runs.text string

The run text.

paragraphs.runs.fill Array.

The text highlight in the RGB format. The empty array [] means that the text is not highlighted.

paragraphs.runs.font-family string

The text font family.

paragraphs.runs.font-size string

The text font size measured in points (pt).

paragraphs.runs.bold boolean

Defines if the current text is displayed bold or not.

paragraphs.runs.italic boolean

Defines if the current text is displayed italic or not.

paragraphs.runs.strikeout boolean

Defines if the current text is displayed struck through or not.

paragraphs.runs.underline boolean

Defines if the current text is displayed underlined or not.


Copy code
var initSettings = {
    "copyoutenabled" : false,
    "hideContentControlTrack" : false,
    "watermark_on_draw" : JSON.stringify({
        "transparent" : 0.3,
        "type" : "rect",
        "width" : 100,
        "height" : 100,
        "rotate" : -45,
        "margins" : [ 10, 10, 10, 10 ],
        "fill" : [255, 0, 0],
        "stroke-width" : 1,
        "stroke" : [0, 0, 255],
        "align" : 1,

        "paragraphs" : [ {
            "align" : 2,
            "fill" : [255, 0, 0],
            "linespacing" : 1,

            "runs" : [
                            "text" : "Do not steal, %user_name%!",
                            "fill" : [0, 0, 0],
                            "font-family" : "Arial",
                            "font-size" : 40,
                            "bold" : true,
                            "italic" : false,
                            "strikeout" : false,
                            "underline" : false
                            "text" : "<%br%>"
    "disableAutostartMacros" : true,
    "fillForms" : JSON.stringify({
        "tags" : {
            "111" : {
                "text" : "Text in form with tag 111",
                "checkBox" : "true",
                "picture" : "",
                "comboBox" : "item1"
            "222" : {
                "text" : "Text in form with tag 222",
                "checkBox" : "false",
                "comboBox" : "item2"
            "333" : {
                "text" : "OnlyOffice"
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("SetProperties", [initSettings]);