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Count words and characters


Counts paragraphs, words, and characters with or without spaces in the selected part of the document.

The following elements are not included in the word count:

  • footnotes/endnotes;
  • numbers from numbered lists;
  • page numbers.

Plugin type: visual, non-system.

Supported editors: documents.


Available by default in ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition and Community Edition (Docs + Workspace).

You can also download this plugin from the ONLYOFFICE App Directory and install it following the desktop or cloud installation instructions.

  1. Select the text.
  2. Open the Plugins tab and press Count words and characters.
  3. Calculations will be displayed in the plugin window automatically.
Plugin structure

Repository on GitHub:

  1. config.json, index.html, and code.js
  2. Icons
  3. The translations folder contains translations into Russian, German, Spanish, Czech, and French.
    "name": "Word counter",
    "nameLocale": {
        "fr": "Compteur de mots",
        "es": "Recuento de palabras",
        "pt-BR": "Word counter",
        "de": "Wortanzahl"
    "guid" : "asc.{584EEEE8-DBF5-45C3-A4CA-F52177C82754}",
    "version": "1.0.1",

    "variations" : [
            "description": "Count words, characters (with/without spaces), and paragraphs in the selected part of your document.",
            "descriptionLocale": {
                "fr": "Comptez les mots, les caractères (avec/sans espaces) et les paragraphes dans la partie sélectionnée de votre document.",
                "es": "Cuente las palabras, los caracteres (con/sin espacios) y los párrafos en la parte seleccionada de su documento.",
                "pt-BR": "Conte palavras, caracteres (com/sem espaços) e parágrafos na parte selecionada do seu documento.",
                "de": "Zählen Sie Wörter, Zeichen (mit/ohne Leerzeichen) und Absätze im ausgewählten Teil Ihres Dokuments."
            "url" : "index.html",

            "icons": [ "resources/light/icon.png", "resources/light/icon@2x.png" ],
            "icons2": [
                    "style" : "light",
                    "100%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon.png"
                    "125%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.25x.png"
                    "150%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.5x.png"
                    "175%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@1.75x.png"
                    "200%": {
                        "normal": "resources/light/icon@2x.png"
                    "style" : "dark",
                    "100%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon.png"
                    "125%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.25x.png"
                    "150%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.5x.png"
                    "175%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.75x.png"
                    "200%": {
                        "normal": "resources/dark/icon@2x.png"
            "isViewer"        : true,
            "EditorsSupport"  : ["word", "pdf"],
            "isVisual"        : true,
            "isModal"         : false,
            "isInsideMode"    : true,
            "initDataType"    : "text",
            "initOnSelectionChanged": true,
            "events" : ["onTargetPositionChanged"],
            "store": {
                "background": {
                    "light" : "linear-gradient(180deg, #FF8E3D 0%, #FF6F3D 100%)",
                    "dark" : "linear-gradient(180deg, #FF8E3D 0%, #FF6F3D 100%)"
                "screenshots" : ["resources/store/screenshots/screen_1.png"],
                "icons"       : {
                    "light" : "resources/store/icons",
                    "dark"  : "resources/store/icons"
                "categories": ["specAbilities"]
Methods and events

If you want to request a feature or report a bug regarding this plugin, use the issues section on GitHub.