Class representing a shape.
Name | Description |
GetClassType | Returns a type of the ApiShape class. |
GetContent | Returns the shape inner contents where a paragraph or text runs can be inserted. |
GetDocContent | Returns the shape inner contents where a paragraph or text runs can be inserted. |
GetNextShape | Returns the next inline shape if exists. |
GetPrevShape | Returns the previous inline shape if exists. |
SetPaddings | Sets the text paddings to the current shape. |
SetVerticalTextAlign | Sets the vertical alignment to the shape content where a paragraph or text runs can be inserted. |
builder.CreateFile("docx"); var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); var oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0); var oFill = Api.CreateSolidFill(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61)); var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill()); var oDrawing = Api.CreateShape("rect", 3212465, 963295, oFill, oStroke); oParagraph.AddDrawing(oDrawing); var oDocContent = oDrawing.GetContent(); var sClassType = oDrawing.GetClassType(); oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph(); oParagraph.AddText("Class Type = " + sClassType); oDocContent.AddElement(0, oParagraph); oDrawing.SetVerticalTextAlign("top"); builder.SaveFile("docx", "ApiShape.docx"); builder.CloseFile();