Adds a page break and starts the next element from a new page.
This method doesn't have any parameters.
builder.CreateFile("docx"); var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); var oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0); var oRun = Api.CreateRun(); oRun.AddText("This is the text for the first page. After it a page break will be added. Scroll down to the second page to see the text there."); oRun.AddPageBreak(); oRun.AddText("This is the text which starts from the beginning of the second page. "); oRun.AddText("It is written in two text runs, you need a space at the end of the first run sentence to separate them."); oParagraph.AddElement(oRun); builder.SaveFile("docx", "AddPageBreak.docx"); builder.CloseFile();