Returns the placeholder text from the current inline content control.
This method doesn't have any parameters.
builder.CreateFile("pdf"); var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); var oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0); var oRun = Api.CreateRun(); oRun.AddText("Add a combo box to the next line (Forms -> Combo Box), copy the macro above (without the first and last two lines) and run it (Plugins -> Macros)."); oParagraph.AddElement(oRun); var aForms = oDocument.GetAllForms(); oParagraph.RemoveElement(0); var sText = aForms[0].GetPlaceholderText(); oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph(); oParagraph.AddText("Placeholder text: " + sText); oDocument.Push(oParagraph); builder.SaveFile("pdf", "GetPlaceholderText.pdf"); builder.CloseFile();