Returns the data from all forms present in the current document. If a form was created and not assigned to any part of the document, it won't appear in this list.
This method doesn't have any parameters.
builder.CreateFile("docx"); var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); var oTextForm = Api.CreateTextForm({"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "placeholder": "First name", "comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false}); var oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0); oParagraph.AddElement(oTextForm); var oComboBoxForm = Api.CreateComboBoxForm({"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Choose your country", "required": true, "placeholder": "Country", "editable": false, "autoFit": false, "items": ["Latvia", "USA", "UK"]}); oComboBoxForm.SelectListValue("USA"); oParagraph.AddLineBreak(); oParagraph.AddElement(oComboBoxForm); var aFormsData = oDocument.GetFormsData(); oParagraph.AddLineBreak(); oParagraph.AddText("The type of the first form: " + aFormsData[0]["type"]); oParagraph.AddLineBreak(); oParagraph.AddText("The value of the second form: " + aFormsData[1]["value"]); builder.SaveFile("docx", "GetFormsData.docx"); builder.CloseFile();