Returns the mail merge receptions count.
This method doesn't have any parameters.
builder.CreateFile("docx"); var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); var oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0); var arrField = ["Greeting line", "First name", "Last name"]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var oRun = Api.CreateRun(); oRun.AddText(arrField[i]); oParagraph.AddElement(oRun); oRun.WrapInMailMergeField(); oParagraph.AddText(" "); } oParagraph.AddText("!"); Api.LoadMailMergeData([arrField, ["Dear", "John", "Smith"], ["Hello", "Lara", "Davis"]]); var oTemplateDocContent = Api.GetMailMergeTemplateDocContent(); var nReceptionsCount = Api.GetMailMergeReceptionsCount(); var arrReceptions = []; for (let nReception = 0; nReception < nReceptionsCount; nReception++) { Api.MailMerge(nReception, nReception); var oElement1 = oDocument.GetElement(0); arrReceptions.push(oElement1); Api.ReplaceDocumentContent(oTemplateDocContent); } oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph(); oParagraph.AddLineBreak(); oParagraph.AddText("Receptions"); oParagraph.SetBold(true); oDocument.Push(oParagraph); oDocument.Push(arrReceptions[0]); oDocument.Push(arrReceptions[1]); oParagraph = Api.CreateParagraph(); oParagraph.AddLineBreak(); oParagraph.AddText("The mail merge process was run twice for each mail merge reception. But the results were replaced with the mail merge template document content. This template allows you to save each mail merge reception to the separate file."); oDocument.Push(oParagraph); builder.SaveFile("docx", "GetMailMergeReceptionsCount.docx"); builder.CloseFile();