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AddShape([sType], nWidth, nHeight, oFill, oStroke, nFromCol, nColOffset, nFromRow, nRowOffset) → { ApiShape }

Adds a shape to the current sheet with the parameters specified. Please note that the horizontal and vertical offsets are calculated within the limits of the specified column and row cells only. If this value exceeds the cell width or height, another vertical/horizontal position will be set.


Name Type Default Description
sType ShapeType "rect"

The shape type which specifies the preset shape geometry.

nWidth EMU

The shape width in English measure units.

nHeight EMU

The shape height in English measure units.

oFill ApiFill

The color or pattern used to fill the shape.

oStroke ApiStroke

The stroke used to create the element shadow.

nFromCol number

The number of the column where the beginning of the shape will be placed.

nColOffset EMU

The offset from the nFromCol column to the left part of the shape measured in English measure units.

nFromRow number

The number of the row where the beginning of the shape will be placed.

nRowOffset EMU

The offset from the nFromRow row to the upper part of the shape measured in English measure units.




Copy code
var oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
var oGs1 = Api.CreateGradientStop(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 213, 191), 0);
var oGs2 = Api.CreateGradientStop(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61), 100000);
var oFill = Api.CreateLinearGradientFill([oGs1, oGs2], 5400000);
var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill());
oWorksheet.AddShape("flowChartOnlineStorage", 60 * 36000, 35 * 36000, oFill, oStroke, 0, 2 * 36000, 0, 3 * 36000);
builder.SaveFile("xlsx", "AddShape.xlsx");

Resulting document