Class that contains the font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on).
Name | Type | Description |
Parent | ApiCharacters | The parent object of the specified font object. |
Bold | boolean | null | The font bold property. |
Italic | boolean | null | The font italic property. |
Size | number | null | The font size property. |
Strikethrough | boolean | null | The font strikethrough property. |
Underline | string | null | The font type of underline. |
Subscript | boolean | null | The font subscript property. |
Superscript | boolean | null | The font superscript property. |
Name | string | null | The font name. |
Color | ApiColor | null | The font color property. |
Name | Description |
GetBold | Returns the bold property of the specified font. |
GetColor | Returns the font color property of the specified font. |
GetItalic | Returns the italic property of the specified font. |
GetName | Returns the font name property of the specified font. |
GetParent | Returns the parent ApiCharacters object of the specified font. |
GetSize | Returns the font size property of the specified font. |
GetStrikethrough | Returns the strikethrough property of the specified font. |
GetSubscript | Returns the subscript property of the specified font. |
GetSuperscript | Returns the superscript property of the specified font. |
GetUnderline | Returns the type of underline applied to the specified font. |
SetBold | Sets the bold property to the specified font.
SetColor | Sets the font color property to the specified font.
SetItalic | Sets the italic property to the specified font.
SetName | Sets the font name property to the specified font.
SetSize | Sets the font size property to the specified font.
SetStrikethrough | Sets the strikethrough property to the specified font.
SetSubscript | Sets the subscript property to the specified font.
SetSuperscript | Sets the superscript property to the specified font.
SetUnderline | Sets an underline of the type specified in the request to the current font.
builder.CreateFile("xlsx"); var oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet(); var oRange = oWorksheet.GetRange("B1"); oRange.SetValue("This is just a sample text."); var oCharacters = oRange.GetCharacters(23, 6); var oFont = oCharacters.GetFont(); var oParent = oFont.GetParent(); oParent.SetText("string"); oFont.SetSize(18); oFont.SetStrikethrough(true); oFont.SetName("Font 1"); oFont.SetItalic(true); var sFontName = oFont.GetName(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B3").SetValue("Font name: " + sFontName); var nSize = oFont.GetSize(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B4").SetValue("Size property: " + nSize); var bStrikethrough = oFont.GetStrikethrough(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B5").SetValue("Strikethrough property: " + bStrikethrough); var bItalic = oFont.GetItalic(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B9").SetValue("Italic property: " + bItalic); oCharacters = oRange.GetCharacters(9, 4); oFont = oCharacters.GetFont(); oFont.SetSubscript(true); var bSubscript = oFont.GetSubscript(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B6").SetValue("Subscript property: " + bSubscript); var oColor = Api.CreateColorFromRGB(255, 111, 61); oFont.SetColor(oColor); oColor = oFont.GetColor(); oCharacters = oRange.GetCharacters(16, 6); oFont = oCharacters.GetFont(); oFont.SetColor(oColor); oCharacters = oRange.GetCharacters(6, 2); oFont = oCharacters.GetFont(); oFont.SetSuperscript(true); oFont.SetUnderline("xlUnderlineStyleSingle"); oFont.SetBold(true); var bSuperscript = oFont.GetSuperscript(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B7").SetValue("Superscript property: " + bSuperscript); var sUnderline = oFont.GetUnderline(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B8").SetValue("Underline property: " + sUnderline); var bBold = oFont.GetBold(); oWorksheet.GetRange("B10").SetValue("Bold property: " + bBold); builder.SaveFile("xlsx", "ApiFont.xlsx"); builder.CloseFile();