Returns an array with all the shape objects from the slide layout.
This method doesn't have any parameters.
builder.CreateFile("pptx"); var oPresentation = Api.GetPresentation(); var oSlide = oPresentation.GetSlideByIndex(0); var oMaster = oPresentation.GetMaster(0); var oLayout = oMaster.GetLayout(0); var oFill = Api.CreateSolidFill(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61)); var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill()); var oShape = Api.CreateShape("flowChartMagneticTape", 300 * 36000, 130 * 36000, oFill, oStroke); oShape.SetPosition(608400, 1267200); oShape.SetSize(300 * 36000, 130 * 36000); oSlide.RemoveAllObjects(); oLayout.AddObject(oShape); var aShapes = oLayout.GetAllShapes(); var oDocContent = aShapes[0].GetContent(); var oParagraph = oDocContent.GetElement(0); oParagraph.SetJc("left"); oParagraph.AddText("This is a sample shape which was added to the current layout."); builder.SaveFile("pptx", "GetAllShapes.pptx"); builder.CloseFile();