A numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range.
// Specify that the AVERAGE function will be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range: var aggregation = 1; oWorksheet.GetRange("B6").SetValue(oFunction.FORECAST_ETS("3/1/2018", oRange1, oRange2, 0, 1, aggregation));
Specifies the range angle.
// Specify that the range contents will be rotated upward: oWorksheet.GetRange("A1").SetOrientation("xlUpward");
Types of all supported forms.
// Copies a text form var oCopyTextForm = oTextForm.Copy();
Axis position in the chart.
// Set the axis values to the top position of the chart: oChart.SetAxieNumFormat("top", "0.00");
The type of a fill which uses an image as a background.
// Create a blip fill with an image which is tiled all over the created shape: var oFill = Api.CreateBlipFill("https://example.com/myimage.png", "tile");
Available values of the "bookmark" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a bookmark: oParagraph.AddBookmarkCrossRef("pageNum", sBookmark);
Specifies the cell border position.
// The cell will have a bottom black dotted border: oWorksheet.GetRange("E2").SetBorders("Bottom", "Dotted", Api.CreateColorFromRGB(0, 0, 0));
A border type.
// The paragraph will have a single 3 point wide green bottom border with a zero offset from the bottom paragraph edge: oParaPr.SetBottomBorder("single", 24, 0, 0, 255, 0);
A bullet type which will be added to the paragraph in spreadsheet or presentation.
// The paragraph will be starting with the Arabic numeral which has parenthesis: var oBullet = Api.CreateNumbering("ArabicParenR");
A numeric value from 0 to 255.
// The resulting color is green, the bytes are measured in decimal numbers: var oRGBColor = Api.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0); // The resulting color is green, the bytes are measured in hexadecimal numbers: var oRGBColor = Api.CreateRGBColor(0, 0xff, 0);
Possible values for the caption label.
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a table caption: oParagraph.AddCaptionCrossRef("Table", "pageNum", oCaptionParagraph);
Possible values for the caption numbering format.
// Add a caption with the Arabic numbering format to the paragraph: oParagraph.AddCaption("", "Figure", false, "Arabic", false, undefined, "hyphen");
Available values of the "equation"/"figure"/"table" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a table caption: oParagraph.AddCaptionCrossRef("Table", "pageNum", oCaptionParagraph);
Possible values for the caption separator.
// Add a caption with a hyphen as a numbering separator to the paragraph: oParagraph.AddCaption("", "Figure", false, "Arabic", false, undefined, "hyphen");
This type specifies the available chart types which can be used to create a new chart.
// ChartType used in text documents // The resulting chart will have a 'bar3D' type: var oChart = Api.CreateChart("bar3D", [[200, 240, 280],[250, 260, 280]], ["Projected Revenue", "Estimated Costs"], [2014, 2015, 2016], 4051300, 2347595, 24); // ChartType used in spreadsheets // The resulting chart will have a 'bar3D' type: var oChart = oWorksheet.AddChart("'Sheet1'!$A$1:$D$3", true, "bar3D", 2, 100 * 36000, 70 * 36000, 0, 2 * 36000, 7, 3 * 36000);
Checkbox / radio button properties.
// Create a checkbox form with the common and specific checkbox form properties: var oCheckBoxFormPr = {"key": "Marital status", "tip": "Specify your marital status", "required": true, "placeholder": "Marital status", "radio": true}; var oCheckBoxForm = Api.CreateCheckBoxForm(oCheckBoxFormPr);
Specific checkbox / radio button properties.
Name | Type | Description |
radio | boolean | Specifies if the current checkbox is a radio button. In this case, the key parameter is considered as an identifier for the group of radio buttons. |
// Create a checkbox form with the specific checkbox form properties: var oCheckBoxFormPrBase = {"radio": true}; var oCheckBoxForm = Api.CreateCheckBoxForm(oCheckBoxFormPrBase);
Combo box / dropdown list properties.
// Create a combo box form with the common and specific combo box form properties: var oComboBoxFormPr = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Choose your country", "required": true, "placeholder": "Country", "editable": false, "autoFit": false, "items": ["Latvia", "USA", "UK"]}; var oComboBoxForm = Api.CreateComboBoxForm(oComboBoxFormPr);
Specific combo box / dropdown list properties.
Name | Type | Description |
editable | boolean | Specifies if the combo box text can be edited. |
autoFit | boolean | Specifies if the combo box form content should be autofit, i.e. whether the font size adjusts to the size of the fixed size form. |
items | Array.<(string|Array. |
The combo box items. This array consists of strings or arrays of two strings where the first string is the displayed value and the second one is its meaning. If the array consists of single strings, then the displayed value and its meaning are the same. Example: ["First", ["Second", "2"], ["Third", "3"], "Fourth"]. |
// Create a combo box form with the specific combo box form properties: var oComboBoxFormPrBase = {"editable": false, "autoFit": false, "items": ["Latvia", "USA", "UK"]}; var oComboBoxForm = Api.CreateComboBoxForm(oComboBoxFormPrBase);
Report on all comments. This is a dictionary where the keys are usernames.
// Report on all comments: var oCommentReport = { "John Smith" : [{"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "Good text", "Date": 1688588002698, "DateUTC": 1688570002698, "QuoteText": "Some text"}, {"IsAnswer": true, "CommentMessage": "I don't think so", "Date": 1688588012661, "DateUTC": 1688570012661}], "Mark Pottato" : [{"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "Need to change this part", "Date": 1688587967245, "DateUTC": 1688569967245, "QuoteText": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, {"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "We need to add a link", "Date": 1688587967245, "DateUTC": 1688569967245, "QuoteText": "OnlyOffice"}] }
Record of one comment.
Name | Type | Description |
IsAnswer | boolean | Specifies whether this is an initial comment or a reply to another comment. |
CommentMessage | string | The text of the current comment. |
Date | number | The time when this change was made in local time. |
DateUTC | number | The time when this change was made in UTC. |
QuoteText | string | The text to which this comment is related. |
// Report on all comments that contains two comments from each user: var oCommentReportRecord1 = {"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "Good text", "Date": 1688588002698, "DateUTC": 1688570002698, "QuoteText": "Some text"}; var oCommentReportRecord2 = {"IsAnswer": true, "CommentMessage": "I don't think so", "Date": 1688588012661, "DateUTC": 1688570012661}; var oCommentReportRecord3 = {"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "Need to change this part", "Date": 1688587967245, "DateUTC": 1688569967245, "QuoteText": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}; var oCommentReportRecord4 = {"IsAnswer": false, "CommentMessage": "We need to add a link", "Date": 1688587967245, "DateUTC": 1688569967245, "QuoteText": "OnlyOffice"}; var oCommentReport = { "John Smith" : [oCommentReportRecord1, oCommentReportRecord2], "Mark Pottato" : [oCommentReportRecord3, oCommentReportRecord4] }
Date form properties.
// Create a date form with the common and specific date form properties: var oDateFormPr = {"key": "Nowadays", "tip": "Enter current date", "required": true, "placeholder": "Date", "format": "mm.dd.yyyy", "lang": "en-US"}; var oDateForm = Api.CreateDateForm(oDateFormPr);
Specific date form properties.
Name | Type | Description |
format | string | The date format, ex: mm.dd.yyyy |
lang | string | The date language. Possible value for this parameter is a language identifier as defined by RFC 4646/BCP 47. Example: "en-CA". |
// Create a date form with the specific date form properties: var oDateFormPrBase = {"format": "mm.dd.yyyy", "lang": "en-US"}; var oDateForm = Api.CreateDateForm(oDateFormPrBase);
Specifies the direction of end in the specified range.
// Return a Range object that represents the left end of the specified range: oWorksheet.GetRange("C4:D5").End("xlToLeft").SetFillColor(Api.CreateColorFromRGB(255, 224, 204));
Any valid element which can be added to the document structure.
// Add a document element called 'paragraph' to the document: oDocument.AddElement(oParagraph);
English measure unit. 1 mm = 36000 EMUs, 1 inch = 914400 EMUs.
// Set the size of the drawing to be created as 100 mm (10 cm) in width and 100 mm (10 cm) in height: oDrawing.SetSize(100 * 36000, 100 * 36000);
Available values of the "endnote" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing an endnote: oParagraph.AddEndnoteCrossRef("pageNum", oEndnoteParagraph);
Available values of the "footnote" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a footnote: oParagraph.AddFootnoteCrossRef("pageNum", oFootnoteParagraph);
Form data.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | The form key. If the current form is a radio button, then this field contains the group key. |
value | string | boolean | The current field value. |
tag | string | The form tag. |
type | FormSpecificType | The form type. |
// Set the specified form data to the first form of the current document: var oFormData = {"key": "CompanyName", "value": "ONLYOFFICE", "type": "text"}; oDocument.SetFormsData([oFormData]);
Form insertion specific properties.
Name | Type | Description |
placeholderFromSelection | boolean | Specifies if the currently selected text should be saved as a placeholder of the inserted form. |
keepSelectedTextInForm | boolean | Specifies if the currently selected text should be saved as the content of the inserted form. |
// Insert a text box with the specified text box properties over the selected text: var oTextFormInsertPr = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "placeholder": "Name", "comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false, "placeholderFromSelection": true, "keepSelectedTextInForm": false}; oDocument.InsertTextForm(oTextFormInsertPr);
Common form properties.
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | Form key. |
tip | string | Form tip text. |
required | boolean | Specifies if the form is required or not. |
placeholder | string | Form placeholder text. |
// Create a text form with the common form properties: var oFormPrBase = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "placeholder": "First name"}; var oTextForm = Api.CreateTextForm(oFormPrBase);
The specific form type.
// Set the "text" form type to the first form of the current document: var sFormSpecificType = "text"; var oFormData = {"key": "CompanyName", "value": "ONLYOFFICE", "type": sFormSpecificType}; oDocument.SetFormsData([oFormData]);
Form type. The available form types.
// Return a type of the current form: var sFormType = oTextForm.GetFormType();
Specifies a type of freeze panes.
// Set the "column" freeze pane type to the current worksheet: var sFreezePaneType = "column"; Api.SetFreezePanesType(sFreezePaneType);
Header and footer types which can be applied to the document sections.
// Remove the header of the 'title' type from the final document section: var oDocContent = oFinalSection.RemoveHeader("title");
Available values of the "heading" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a heading: oParagraph.AddHeadingCrossRef("pageNum", oHeadingParagraph);
Available highlight colors.
// Highlight a paragraph in green: oParagraph.SetHighlight("green");
Half-points (2 half-points = 1 point).
// Set the text font size to 22 half-points: oTextPr.SetFontSize(22);
240ths of a line.
// The paragraph line spacing is set to 1 line: oParaPr.SetSpacingLine(240, "auto");
Specifies the line style used to form the cell border.
// The cell will have a bottom black dotted border: oWorksheet.GetRange("E2").SetBorders("Bottom", "Dotted", Api.CreateColorFromRGB(0, 0, 0));
1 millimetre equals 1/10th of a centimetre.
// Set the cell width measured in millimeters to the applied comb of characters: oTextForm.SetCellWidth(7);
Available values of the "numbered" reference type:
// Add a cross-reference to the page containing a numbered paragraph: oParagraph.AddNumberedCrossRef("pageNum", oNumberedParagraph, true, true);
Standard numeric format.
// Set the "0.00" numeric format to the chart data point: oChart.SetDataPointNumFormat("0.00", 0, 1, true);
The page orientation type.
// Set the page orientation to portrait: oWorksheet.SetPageOrientation("xlPortrait");
The types of elements that can be added to the paragraph structure.
// Add an element called 'text run' to the paragraph: oParagraph.AddElement(oRun,0);
The mathematical operation which will be applied to the copied data.
// Specifies that the copied data will be added to the data in the destination range of cells: oRange.PasteSpecial("xlPasteValues", "xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd", false, false);
Specifies the part of the range to be pasted.
// Specifies that only the values of the copied data will be pasted to the destination range of cells: oRange.PasteSpecial("xlPasteValues", "xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd", false, false);
The available preset patterns which can be used for the fill.
// Create a fill with a 'dashDnDiag' pattern which has two colors - green and red: var oFill = Api.CreatePatternFill("dashDnDiag", Api.CreateRGBColor(0, 225, 0), Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0));
Value from 0 to 100.
// Set the picture position measured in percent inside the current form: oPictureForm.SetPicturePosition(70, 70);
Picture form properties.
// Create a picture form with the common and specific picture form properties: var oPictureFormPr = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Upload your photo", "required": true, "placeholder": "Photo", "scaleFlag": "tooBig", "lockAspectRatio": true, "respectBorders": false, "shiftX": 50, "shiftY": 50}; var oPictureForm = Api.CreatePictureForm(oPictureFormPr);
Specific picture form properties.
Name | Type | Description |
scaleFlag | ScaleFlag | The condition to scale an image in the picture form: "always", "never", "tooBig" or "tooSmall". |
lockAspectRatio | boolean | Specifies if the aspect ratio of the picture form is locked or not. |
respectBorders | boolean | Specifies if the form border width is respected or not when scaling the image. |
shiftX | percentage | Horizontal picture position inside the picture form measured in percent:
shiftY | percentage | Vertical picture position inside the picture form measured in percent:
// Create a picture form with the specific picture form properties: var oPictureFormPrBase = {"scaleFlag": "tooBig", "lockAspectRatio": true, "respectBorders": false, "shiftX": 50, "shiftY": 50}; var oPictureForm = Api.CreatePictureForm(oPictureFormPrBase);
60000th of a degree (5400000 = 90 degrees).
// The resulting gradient direction angle is 90 degrees: var oFill = Api.CreateLinearGradientFill([oGs1, oGs2], 5400000);
The 1000th of a percent (100000 = 100%).
// The resulting gradient stop position is 100%: var oGs2 = Api.CreateGradientStop(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 164, 101), 100000);
The available preset color names.
// Create a scheme color using the 'lightYellow' color preset: var oSchemeColor = Api.CreatePresetColor("lightYellow");
Specifies the user type of the protected range.
// Set a user of the "CanEdit" user type to the current protected range: oProtectedRange.AddUser("uid-1", "John Smith", "CanEdit");
A point.
// The paragraph will have a single 3 point wide green bottom border with a 1 point offset from the bottom paragraph edge: oParaPr.SetBottomBorder("single", 24, 1, 0, 255, 0);
Eighths of a point (24 eighths of a point = 3 points).
// The paragraph will have a single 6 point wide green bottom border with a zero offset from the bottom paragraph edge: oParaPr.SetBottomBorder("single", 48, 0, 0, 255, 0);
The cell reference type.
// The R1C1 reference style will be set to the current spreadsheet: Api.SetReferenceStyle("xlR1C1");
The possible values for the base which the relative horizontal positioning of an object will be calculated from.
// The created drawing will be centered horizontally relative to the page width: oDrawing.SetHorAlign("page", "center");
The possible values for the base which the relative vertical positioning of an object will be calculated from.
// The created drawing will be centered vertically relative to the page height: oDrawing.SetVerAlign("page", "center");
Properties to make search and replace.
Name | Type | Description |
What | string | undefined | The data to search for. |
Replacement | string | The replacement string. |
LookAt | XlLookAt | Specifies whether the whole search text or any part of the search text is matched. |
SearchOrder | XlSearchOrder | Range search order - by rows or by columns. |
SearchDirection | XlSearchDirection | Range search direction - next match or previous match. |
MatchCase | boolean | Case sensitive or not. The default value is "false". |
ReplaceAll | boolean | Specifies if all the found data will be replaced or not. The default value is "true". |
// Replaces the specific data to another one in a range: var oRange = oWorksheet.GetRange("A2:D4"); var oReplaceData = {"What": "200", "Replacement": "0", "LookAt": "xlWhole", "SearchOrder": "xlByColumns", "SearchDirection": "xlNext", "MatchCase": true, "ReplaceAll": true}; oRange.Replace(oReplaceData);
Report on all review changes. This is a dictionary where the keys are usernames.
// Report on all review changes: var oReviewRecord = { "John Smith" : [{"Type": "TextRem", "Value": "Hello, Mark!", "Date": 1679941734161}, {"Type": "TextAdd", "Value": "Dear Mr. Pottato.", "Date": 1679941736189}], "Mark Pottato" : [{"Type": "ParaRem", "Date": 1679941755942}, {"Type": "TextPr", "Date": 1679941757832}] };
Record of one review change.
Name | Type | Description |
Type | ReviewReportRecordType | Review record type. |
Value | string | Review change value that is set for the "TextAdd" and "TextRem" types only. |
Date | number | The time when this change was made. |
// Report on all review changes that contains two review records for each user: var oReviewReportRecord1 = {"Type": "TextRem", "Value": "Hello, Mark!", "Date": 1679941734161}; var oReviewReportRecord2 = {"Type": "TextAdd", "Value": "Dear Mr. Pottato.", "Date": 1679941736189}; var oReviewReportRecord3 = {"Type": "ParaRem", "Date": 1679941755942}; var oReviewReportRecord4 = {"Type": "TextPr", "Date": 1679941757832}; var oReviewRecord = { "John Smith" : [oReviewReportRecord1, oReviewReportRecord2], "Mark Pottato" : [oReviewReportRecord3, oReviewReportRecord4] };
Review record type.
// Report on all review changes that contains review records of four different types: "TextRem" - removing text, "TextAdd" - adding text, "ParaRem" - removing a paragraph, "TextPr" - changing text properties: var oReviewReportRecord1 = {"Type": "TextRem", "Value": "Hello, Mark!", "Date": 1679941734161}; var oReviewReportRecord2 = {"Type": "TextAdd", "Value": "Dear Mr. Pottato.", "Date": 1679941736189}; var oReviewReportRecord3 = {"Type": "ParaRem", "Date": 1679941755942}; var oReviewReportRecord4 = {"Type": "TextPr", "Date": 1679941757832}; var oReviewRecord = { "John Smith" : [oReviewReportRecord1, oReviewReportRecord2], "Mark Pottato" : [oReviewReportRecord3, oReviewReportRecord4] }
The condition to scale an image in the picture form.
// Set the scaling condition when the current picture form is scaled if it is too big: oPictureForm.SetScaleFlag("tooBig");
The available color scheme identifiers.
// Create a scheme color with the 'accent2' identifier: var oSchemeColor = Api.CreateSchemeColor("accent2");
The lock type of the content control.
// Set the "sdtContentLocked" lock to the current inline text content control which means that the content cannot be edited and the container cannot be deleted: oInlineLvlSdt.SetLock("sdtContentLocked");
Properties to make search.
Name | Type | Description |
What | string | undefined | The data to search for. |
After | ApiRange | The cell after which you want the search to begin. If this argument is not specified, the search starts after the cell in the upper-left corner of the range. |
LookIn | XlFindLookIn | Search data type (formulas or values). |
LookAt | XlLookAt | Specifies whether the whole search text or any part of the search text is matched. |
SearchOrder | XlSearchOrder | Range search order - by rows or by columns. |
SearchDirection | XlSearchDirection | Range search direction - next match or previous match. |
MatchCase | boolean | Case sensitive or not. The default value is "false". |
// Finds the specific data in the current range: var oRange = oWorksheet.GetRange("A2:D4"); var oSearchData = {"What": "200", "After": "B1", "LookIn": "xlValues", "LookAt": "xlWhole", "SearchOrder": "xlByColumns", "SearchDirection": "xlNext", "MatchCase": true}; var oSearchRange = oRange.Find(oSearchData);
This type specifies the preset shape geometry that will be used for a shape.
// Create a shape using the 'diamond' preset: var oDrawing = Api.CreateShape("diamond", 100 * 36000, 100 * 36000, oFill, oStroke);
A shade type which can be added to the document element.
// Add a green shadow to the table: oTablePr.SetShd("clear", 0, 255, 0, false);
Specifies whether the first row of the sort range contains the header information.
// Specify that the first row contains header information: oWorksheet.GetRange("A1:C5").SetSort("A1:A5", "xlAscending", "B1:B5", "xlDescending", "C1:C5", "xlAscending", "xlYes", "xlSortColumns");
Specifies the sort order.
// Specify that the sort order for the values specified in "A1:A5" is ascending: oWorksheet.GetRange("A1:C5").SetSort("A1:A5", "xlAscending", "B1:B5", "xlDescending", "C1:C5", "xlAscending", "xlYes", "xlSortColumns");
Specifies if the sort should be by row or column.
// Specify that the sort should be by column: oWorksheet.GetRange("A1:C5").SetSort("A1:A5", "xlAscending", "B1:B5", "xlDescending", "C1:C5", "xlAscending", "xlYes", "xlSortColumns");
A numeric value between 1 and 8 that specifies which statistic will be returned.
// Specify that the MASE metric will be returned: var statType = 4; oWorksheet.GetRange("B6").SetValue(oFunction.FORECAST_ETS_STAT(oRange1, oRange2, statType));
The style type used for the document element.
// Assign the default document paragraph style to the 'oNormalStyle' variable: var oNormalStyle = oDocument.GetDefaultStyle("paragraph");
Types of custom tab.
// Set tab positions at 50, 75 and 150 points with the text aligned center, left and right at each tab stop accordingly: oParaPr.SetTabs([1000, 1500, 3000], ["center", "left", "right"]);
This simple type specifies possible values for the table sections to which the current conditional formatting properties will be applied when this selected table style is used.
// Apply the created style (set shadow) to the top left cell of the table: oTableStyle.GetConditionalTableStyle("topLeftCell").GetTableCellPr().SetShd("clear", 255, 0, 0);
The possible values for the units of the width property are defined by a specific table or table cell width property.
// Set the width of the table cell equal to 100 points (2000 twips): oTableCell.SetWidth("twips", 2000);
Properties for inserting a text field.
// Insert a text box with the specified text box properties over the selected text: var oTextFormInsertPr = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "placeholder": "Name", "comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false, "placeholderFromSelection": true, "keepSelectedTextInForm": false}; oDocument.InsertTextForm(oTextFormInsertPr);
Text field properties.
// Create a text form with the common and specific text form properties: var oTextFormPr = {"key": "Personal information", "tip": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "placeholder": "First name", "comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false}; var oTextForm = Api.CreateTextForm(oTextFormPr);
Specific text field properties.
Name | Type | Description |
comb | boolean | Specifies if the text field should be a comb of characters with the same cell width. The maximum number of characters must be set to a positive value. |
maxCharacters | number | The maximum number of characters in the text field. |
cellWidth | number | The cell width for each character measured in millimeters. If this parameter is not specified or equal to 0 or less, then the width will be set automatically. |
multiLine | boolean | Specifies if the current fixed size text field is multiline or not. |
autoFit | boolean | Specifies if the text field content should be autofit, i.e. whether the font size adjusts to the size of the fixed size form. |
// Create a text form with the specific text form properties: var oTextFormPrBase = {"comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false}; var oTextForm = Api.CreateTextForm(oTextFormPrBase);
Text transform type.
// Create a Text Art object with the "textArchUp" text transform type: var oTextArt = Api.CreateWordArt(oTextPr, "onlyoffice", "textArchUp", oFill, oStroke, 0, 150 * 36000, 50 * 36000);
Possible values for the position of chart tick labels (either horizontal or vertical).
// Set the position of the vertical tick labels next to the main vertical label: oChart.SetVertAxisTickLabelPosition("nextTo");
The type of tick mark appearance.
// Specify the "cross" major tick mark type for the vertical axis: oChart.SetVertAxisMajorTickMark("cross");
Table of contents properties which specify whether to generate the table of contents from the outline levels or the specified styles.
Name | Type | Description |
OutlineLvls | number | Maximum number of levels in the table of contents. |
StylesLvls | Array. |
Style levels (for example, [{Name: "Heading 1", Lvl: 2}, {Name: "Heading 2", Lvl: 3}]).
// Add a table of contents which is generated from 9 outline levels to the document: var oTocBuildFromPr = {"OutlineLvls": 9}; var oTocPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": oTocBuildFromPr, "TocStyle": "standard"}; oDocument.AddTableOfContents(oTocPr);
Possible values for the table of contents leader:
// Add a table of contents with the dot leader to the document: var sTocLeader = "dot"; var oTocPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": sTocLeader, "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": {"OutlineLvls": 9}, "TocStyle": "standard"}; oDocument.AddTableOfContents(oTocPr);
Table of contents properties.
Name | Type | Description |
ShowPageNums | boolean | Specifies whether to show page numbers in the table of contents. |
RightAlgn | boolean | Specifies whether to right-align page numbers in the table of contents. |
LeaderType | TocLeader | The leader type in the table of contents. |
FormatAsLinks | boolean | Specifies whether to format the table of contents as links. |
BuildFrom | TocBuildFromPr | Specifies whether to generate the table of contents from the outline levels or the specified styles. |
TocStyle | TocStyle | The table of contents style type. |
// Add a table of contents with the specified properties to the document: var oTocPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": {"OutlineLvls": 9}, "TocStyle": "standard"}; oDocument.AddTableOfContents(oTocPr);
Possible values for the table of contents style.
// Add a table of contents of the standard style to the document: var sTocStyle = "standard"; var oTocPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": {"OutlineLvls": 9}, "TocStyle": sTocStyle}; oDocument.AddTableOfContents(oTocPr);
Table of contents style levels.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Style name (for example, "Heading 1"). |
Lvl | number | Level which will be applied to the specified style in the table of contents. |
// Add a table of contents which is generated from the specified styles to the document: var aTocStyleLvl = [{Name: "Heading 1", Lvl: 2}, {Name: "Heading 2", Lvl: 3}]; var oTocPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": {"StylesLvls": aTocStyleLvl}, "TocStyle": "standard"}; oDocument.AddTableOfContents(oTocPr);
Table of figures properties.
Name | Type | Description |
ShowPageNums | boolean | Specifies whether to show page numbers in the table of figures. |
RightAlgn | boolean | Specifies whether to right-align page numbers in the table of figures. |
LeaderType | TocLeader | The leader type in the table of figures. |
FormatAsLinks | boolean | Specifies whether to format the table of figures as links. |
BuildFrom | CaptionLabel | string | Specifies whether to generate the table of figures based on the specified caption label or the paragraph style name used (for example, "Heading 1"). |
LabelNumber | boolean | Specifies whether to include the label and number in the table of figures. |
TofStyle | TofStyle | The table of figures style type. |
// Add a table of figures with the specified properties to the document: var oTofPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": "Figure", "LabelNumber": true, "TofStyle": "distinctive"}; oDocument.AddTableOfFigures(oTofPr);
Possible values for the table of figures style.
// Add a table of figures of the distinctive style to the document: var sTofStyle = "distinctive"; var oTofPr = {"ShowPageNums": true, "RightAlgn": true, "LeaderType": "dot", "FormatAsLinks": true, "BuildFrom": "Figure", "LabelNumber": true, "TofStyle": sTofStyle}; oDocument.AddTableOfFigures(oTofPr);
Twentieths of a point (equivalent to 1/1440th of an inch).
// Set the distance between columns equal to 36 points: oParagraph.SetEqualColumns(2, 720);
The available text vertical alignment (used to align text in a shape with a placement for text inside it).
// The inner text for the created shape will be added aligned vertically closer to the shape upper part: oDrawing.SetVerticalTextAlign("top");
The watermark direction.
// The resulting watermark will be rotated clockwise 45 degrees: var oWatermarkSettings = oDocument.GetWatermarkSettings(); oWatermarkSettings.SetDirection("clockwise45");
The watermark type.
// The resulting watermark will have the "image" type: var oWatermarkSettings = oDocument.GetWatermarkSettings(); oWatermarkSettings.SetType("image");
Search data type (formulas or values).
// Specify that the values will be searched in the current range: var oSearchRange = oRange.Find("200", "B1", "xlValues", "xlWhole", "xlByColumns", "xlNext", true);
Specifies whether the whole search text or any part of the search text is matched.
// Specify that the whole text match will be searched in the current range: var oSearchRange = oRange.Find("200", "B1", "xlValues", "xlWhole", "xlByColumns", "xlNext", true);
Range search direction - next match or previous match.
// Specify that the next text match will be searched in the current range: var oSearchRange = oRange.Find("200", "B1", "xlValues", "xlWhole", "xlByColumns", "xlNext", true);
Range search order - by rows or by columns.
// Specify that the values will be searched by columns in the current range: var oSearchRange = oRange.Find("200", "B1", "xlValues", "xlWhole", "xlByColumns", "xlNext", true);
Underline type.
// Specify that the single underlining is applied to the current font: oFont.SetUnderline("xlUnderlineStyleSingle");