Custom combo box input.
Interface: IComboBox.
See the parameters of this component in storybook.
To create a combo box option, use IComboBoxItem.
import {IComboBox, IComboBoxItem, Actions, IMessage} from "@onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk"; const options: IComboBoxItem[] = [ {"key": "auto", "label": "Auto"}, {"key": "en", "label": "English"}, {"key": "es", "label": "Español"}, {"key": "eu", "label": "Euskara"}, ]; const onSelect = (option: IComboBoxItem) => { comboBox.selectedOption = option; const message: IMessage = { "actions": [Actions.updateProps], "newProps": langComboBox, }; return message; }; const comboBox: IComboBox = { options, "selectedOption": options[0], onSelect, "scaled": true, "dropDownMaxHeight": 400, "directionY": "both", "scaledOptions": true, };