After initializing SDK, you will get an object that can be used to call the methods:
var docSpace = DocSpace.SDK.initManager({config});
addTagsToRoom - adds the specified tags to the room with the specified ID.
docSpace.addTagsToRoom(roomId, tags);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
roomId | Defines the ID of a room where the tags will be added. | string | required |
tags | Defines a list of tags to be added. | array of strings | required |
createFile - creates a file with the specified parameters.
docSpace.createFile(folderId, title, templateId, formId);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
folderId | Defines the ID of a folder where a file will be created. | string | required |
title | Defines the file title. | string | required |
templateId | Defines the ID of a template which will be used to create a file. | string | optional |
formId | Defines the ID of a form which will be used to create a file. | string | optional |
createFolder - creates a folder with the specified parameters.
docSpace.createFolder(parentFolderId, title);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
parentFolderId | Defines the ID of a parent folder where a folder will be created. | string | required |
title | Defines the folder title. | string | required |
createHash - generates the hash string based on the specified hash settings.
docSpace.createHash(password, hashSettings);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
password | Defines a password to the DocSpace account. | string | required |
hashSettings | Defines the hash settings for generating the hash string. | object | required |
hashSettings.size | Defines the hash size. | integer | required |
hashSettings.salt | Defines the hash salt - a randomly generated set of characters that is added to a password before hashing it. | string | required |
hashSettings.iterations | Defines a number of hash iterations. | integer | required |
createRoom - creates a room with the specified parameters.
docSpace.createRoom(title, type);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
title | Defines the room title. | string | required |
type | Defines the room type ("CustomRoom", "EditingRoom"). | string | required |
createTag - creates a tag with the specified name.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
name | Defines the tag name. | string | required |
destroyFrame - destroys the SDK frame, replacing it with the element passed to destroyText.
getConfig - returns the SDK config.
getFiles - returns the information about all files in the SDK frame.
getFolderInfo - returns the information about the current directory opened in the SDK frame.
getFolders - returns the information about all the folders in the SDK frame.
getHashSettings - returns the DocSpace hash settings for generating a password hash.
getList - returns the information about all files and folders in the SDK frame.
getRooms - returns the information about rooms according to the specified filter parameters.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
filter | The room filter parameters. | object | required |
getSelection - returns the information about the selected elements in the SDK frame.
getUserInfo - returns the information about the current DocSpace user or null if there are no authorized users.
initEditor - initializes the SDK frame in the "editor" mode.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initFileSelector - initializes the SDK frame in the "file-selector" mode.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initFrame - initializes the SDK frame dispaying the DocSpace page.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initManager - initializes the SDK frame in the "manager" mode.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initRoomSelector - initializes the SDK frame in the "room-selector" mode.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initSystem - initializes the SDK frame in the "system" mode to call system methods. This lightweight frame displays a blank page with the loader.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
initViewer - initializes the SDK frame in the "viewer" mode.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
login - logs in to the DocSpace account using the specified email and password hash.
docSpace.login(email, passwordHash);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
Defines the user email address. | string | required | |
passwordHash | Defines a password hash. | string | required |
logout - logs out from the DocSpace account of the current user.
openModal - opens the DocSpace modal window of the specified type.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
type | Defines the DocSpace modal window type ("CreateFile", "CreateFolder", "CreateRoom"). | string | required |
removeTagsFromRoom - removes the specified tags from the room with the specified ID.
docSpace.removeTagsFromRoom(roomId, tags);
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
roomId | Defines the ID of a room where the tags will be removed. | string | required |
tags | Defines a list of tags to be removed. | array of strings | required |
setConfig - sets the specified config for the current SDK entity.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
config | Defines the configuration parameters which describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements. | object | required |
setIsLoaded - disables the loader in the SDK window.
setListView - sets the display of entity lists according to the specified type.
Parameter | Description | Type | Presence |
type | Defines the way elements are arranged in the DocSpace manager ("row", "table", "tile"). | string | required |